Sunday, February 21, 2010

Joys of Winter


I'd never slept in a snow cave, and I'd never gone snow shoeing. Luckily we did both.

I don't know how I'd never been snow shoeing, it just hadn't made sense when I could ski. But we snow shoed up and slept in a snow cave, and I some how survived the night. 

We built a fire and ate some delicious deserts.


Then we went and tried to sleep. Everyone else was successful. I've since learned from Bear Grylls that you loose most of your heat through the floor, and I was freezing all night. Everyone had something other than just tarp under them. I had freezing floor. It was a cold long night. But still totally worth it. 


For Presidents day (I think that was the holiday that just passed) we took a little trip out to the Spiral Jetty.


 More importantly we enjoyed ourselves out on the Great Salt Lake for a few hours. There was White as far as you could see. Most of which was covered with only a few inches of water, so you could walk really far out if you wanted. As great as it was to see the Spiral Jetty, I think I enjoyed playing out on the salt more.




We might have gone a little over board with our picture taking. It was just so great that we couldn't stop. I could have entertained myself for much longer than we already had.



Thanks to Berk we even had a great drive out to the Jetty, feeling like we were Indiana Jones in his Land Rover. Even though most of this adventure seemed to consist of driving, it was still great.


I feel like this is a Backstreet Boys album cover because of how everyone is standing. I'm pretty sure this was not planned. They just naturally stand this way?

We also had to take off our shoes once we got a certain distance out, Although most of us chose to role up our pants, Brynne apparently decided that wasn't an important thing for her to do.



This is what me an Brynne spent most of our time doing, and is probably what inspired every one else to come out and join us in the water. 


Even the over exposed photo's people took still ended up looking really great because everything was so white anyways.

We also stopped by the Golden Spike on the way home. That was a once in a life time hopefully. There was this little boy and his dad out there as well, I felt really bad for the little boy. I imagine he only wanted to hang out with his friends, but his dad wanted some bonding time, so his dad drove him on a really long drive to see the golden spike which isn't even there. It looked like a not as great of day for the two of them.

All in all it was quite a great day. I really enjoyed myself, and I'm pretty sure everyone else would call the day a success as well.

Here are a few photos I took while skiing this year. They are going on this post even though I'm not actually sure when they are from.

I do know that my friends rock at skiing.

Stain Reichman


Sean Tucker

Derrick Olthuis


  Jelissa Cameron

James Stewart


  1. so weird and jealous that your bonding without me

  2. Great Pictures Jeliss!!

  3. Lame. I have not experienced anything fun like that. Seriously, how long I have lived in Utah and I really have never enjoyed the great salt lake. Man I am lame... O well at least you had fun and got some great photos.
