Wednesday, May 12, 2010

St. George

I was inspired to go to St. George because a number of random people happened to be heading down the same week. I decided it would be great to join in with some of them. Most my friends bailed at the last second, or were on slightly different schedules. I ended up hopping in with a different group and going anyways.

The results of these two days were well worth it.

Traci was in town! She was taking her one break from school in Brooklyn, and coming to hang out with her family. She was nice enough to let me tag along for a day or so. Thanks Traci, and it was a very nice time staying with you, I've missed you!

Tyler was in town for work, so he climbed with us the first day.

I met a new friend Curtis who is a rockin rock climber, and very motivational!

He talked me into leading this climb, which was much harder than I usually lead, and I was successful! I was super happy that he did!

He also talked me into climbing a few climbs that are harder than usually, which for the most part I would come out successful on. It was super fun.

Traci was rockin it even after being stuck in school in Brooklyn for the past year! She was my climbing inspiration when we first started living together. So, thanks Trac.

Climbing up snow canyon was super beautiful! It was perfect weather, and felt so great being out in the sun!

Curtis and I did a multi-pitch up snow canyon! So much fun! The only multi-pitch climbs I've done have had ledges between each pitch. It was really cool Belaying from the face. Thankfully everyone was patient while they waited for us to finish.

This was me at the top. Curtis and I were taking pictures while hanging to the wall. Hoping to not drop my camera.

Traci's family had rented Segway's to follow her brother while he was doing the Iron Man. They were way fun to play on, but actually much scarier than you'd imagine. Racing them they would start to get out of control.

The last day we bouldered in Moe's Valley. I don't know how I feel about bouldering yet. I think it's dangerous. I feel like I'm going to role my ankle every time I fall.

My favorite part of the day was meeting a girl named butterfly. She was very interesting to watch.

Ryan and Clint just started climbing this year, and are already rocking me. They are great.

Thanks guys for making it a really fun few days. Totally worth having a little weekday getaway.

My sad attempts and bouldering.

Curtis, Clint, Ryan and I, after getting done bouldering.

We finished off the trip with some natural hot springs near Filmore. They were the best ones I've ever been to. Perfect temperature. Perfect lighting. Smelled normal. Clear water. Last but not least, they had a huge cavern underneath that you could swim down into and explore! Way fun. If it was lighter I could spend a lot of time swimming down and exploring!


  1. jelissa, i look up to your adventurous self so much. i wish you took a picture of butterfly.

    and we missed you at lunch today! hope everything worked out with your scooter!

  2. Those hot springs are sweet huh? Me and my husband go there fairly often. We took scuba gear there last month so we could explore them better, not a ton more too see, but at least you aren't rushed to come up for air :)
