Friday, November 12, 2010

Oregon Coast

I'm the slowest blogger ever. I know that this was month's ago, and I've done a lot since then, but I'm still catching up.

After making it back to the states we drove the Washington and Olympic National Park, then into Portland. The only thing Sean had heard about Portland was that there was really good doughnut shop. So, because I love eating crappy foods all the time, we stopped and got a dozen donuts. They really were way good but we all felt sick the rest of the day because of them.

Our first stop on the Oregon Coast was the Tillamook Cheese Factory

Sadly, I think that was the part that my family was the most disappointed they missing. We went there just to make them jealous. 

The entire first day and a half were completely foggy. It was beautiful. It would get really hard to see ahead of us on the road, but it was really magical.

Then we stopped at the largest Sea Lion Cave in the world. It really was huge, There are a ton of Sea Lion's all piled up on the rock, and the first thing the boys noticed was a huge one pooping on one laying under it.

Finally it was sunny and warm so we could really see the coast, but it wasn't as great in my oppinion.

Finally we made it down the Oregon Coast and into California. Our first stop in California was some Giant Redwoods. This was one of my favorite parts. Huge Trees are amazing every time you see them.

When Kevin took this next photo he was stepping towards the edge of the road trying to get the tree in the background of the car. He took a step backwards and instantly disappeared. Sean and I were laughing so hard. He fell like 8 ft. into a ditch and was trying to save my camera so he just scrapped down the dirt. It was priceless to watch.

We went to a bunch of different locations for giant redwoods because we loved it so much.

Then we did the tour thru tree. They thought it was the greatest thing on earth. I'm pretty sure Sean drove in circles through it 10 times, and you had to go slow so you wouldn't scrape the car.

We also saw some more great wildlife.

Sadly our road trip was almost over after this. In this case is probably good because then there won't be more posts about it and I can catch up on more recent adventures.


  1. i like being reminded of what summer was like. and being your friend. those were nice days.

  2. awesome pics lis. i loved the tillamook cheese factory when we went! yummy yummy ice cream.
