Tuesday, January 18, 2011

My new house.

So... I bought a house. I'm a homeowner. Scary.
This is it. 



Sadly these are during construction. 
I definitely should have taken some pre-construction photos.


 This isn't my kitchen even though my appliances are in it. Kind of a mess I know.
The floors are all a light wood so they are covered for now.

It has three big open living rooms.

My bedroom upstairs and my unfinished (soon to be finished) basement.

We are remodeling most of this place so sometime soon hopefully it will look like an entirely new place. Can't wait.
 Malorie and Brynn are my roomies upstairs and some of the boys are planning on the basement.

This has been the longest most drawn out process of my life. I can't take it.
I just can't wait to see what happens in this home and where my life gets taken. I'm sure Mal, Brynn and I will have quite the experiences like usual.


  1. i can't wait to come see this place in person! then we can switch-a-roo and you can come see my house. okay? okay.

  2. jelissa! hi! i read your blog too! i love-love the house! those columns! the porch! so many exclamation points!

  3. Oh wow I'm excited to see the finished product! Your new house really looks nice!

  4. Wow, what a sweet step! Congrats!! That's awesome :) Looks good, EVEN with all the construction. How exciting!!

  5. Awesome! You'll have to make sure to post some pictures when it is all done!

  6. Awesome!! I want to see it, and I know how hellish remodeling can be.
