Tuesday, March 29, 2011


I took a train to Amsterdam.

My initial thought was, I feel like I'm in Disneyland.

I think it was the futuristic bus posts with the old buildings. Maybe?

 Here was the beginning of The Red Light District. I don't know if you've ever been to the red light district before, but I'd always pictured it a little more like pretty women. With hookers standing by light posts on the side of the streets cat calling you. Nope. 
It's like window shopping for shoes.
You walk down an empty street, and then you'll pass full length windows, and behind the windows their are women standing in lingerie. All you have to do is window shop. It's simple. Great right.

 All the homes along the canal have to be up-kept, so it was always interesting finding one of these guys along the way.

It's tough finding a home with even peeling paint along the window seal. Everything looks so nice.

I also loved how every home was completely unique to the home next to it. They wouldn't worry about making them the same height, out of the same materials, or even each level the same size. One home would have 9 foot ceilings, with it neighbor having 12. Both homes being only two windows wide.

I forgot what this fish was called, but I was told by Marielle that it was very Dutch and really tasty.

 I agree that it's Dutch, but not really tasty. It was alright, just had a weird texture and tasted extremely fishy. It was just a raw whole fish, Yumm.

Well that is my short tour of Amsterdam. We did have a nice day though, and finished it off with a great dinner of Shepard's Pie at an Irish Pub.

Huib's parents live near Amsterdam so they were kind enough to let us stay the night. When I arrived they had "American looking cakes" and tea for us. His mom thought they looked American so I'd like them. So so nice of them. They were really sweet. When I woke up the next morning his mom had made us a really nice breakfast of good breads, cheeses, jams, egg, and the most amazing freshly squeezed orange juice and tea. She also drove me all the way to the airport so I didn't have to take a train!

1 comment:

  1. amsterdam is my dream now! i've been reading about it in the book i'm reading, hearing so many rave reviews from your family and i think everyone is just trying to rub it in my face. not really. but maybe?

    let's travel together sometime. that would be funs. great pics and nice trip and even nicer to have you home to be friends again!
