Wednesday, May 25, 2011


I was able to spend a few days in Arizona last week.

My friend Michelle picked me up from the airport, and we pretty much partied the entire week. Michelle's husband Aaron was busy with finals all week so he was home alone studying while we were out enjoying ourselves!

We started off with a nice hike in the morning.

Then headed to the hotel my mom and sister were checking out for work. We enjoyed our time by the pool waiting for them to get to AZ. Then Michelle, Jen, and my mother and I met my grandparents, cousins, and aunt for dinner, followed by sitting and talking at my grandparents house till about two. We got back to Michelle's super late for our second late bedtime that week.

I always enjoy sitting around and talking with my family. It consists of a lot of bad jokes, and us laughing quite a bit.

This is my grandma in her prime.

As usual, we have a lot of different versions of the same photos.

The rest of the week consisted of hanging out with the family more, and good meals.

The last night Aaron's brother Adam was in town for work so hung out with him for the night. He is a makeup artist for Lancome and was so great and had some makeup sitting there for Michelle and I when we arrived. He also took us to dinner and we went out clubbing with him later. It was a really funny and fun night. My cousin Trav was a sport and came as well as some of the Darais cousins. We had quite the crew.

The last day we were able to sit around Adams hotel pool and relax. Trav also joined us. It felt really good to get a little sun finally.

Who knew Michelle and I had such happening lives.


  1. grandma in her prime picture! hahaha loved it.

  2. yeahhhh check out my booty in that last pic!!! nice hike....more like i almost died! haha that really was such a blast thanks J!
