Sunday, July 31, 2011

Goodbye B

You should never have to do this.

Sorry if this seems morbid, but it's such it's such a huge part of my life.

THANK YOU, to all of my amazing friends. I'm so thankful I had you all to go through this with. You guys really have been so great. I love all of you. I have some of the best friends I could ever ask for.

Mal and I have Brynn candles that we light for her. You'll see them around my place.

We had to pick out a funeral bouquet. That shouldn't have to be done. It did turn out beautiful though and looked just like she would have wanted it to.

I'm also so thankful to Brynn's family for letting me be one of them through all of this. I love them all and am so greatful to have them in my life. It's meant a ton to me being able to spend so much time with them. I hope they are ok with me tagging along from here on out.

We sent off lanterns like on tangled. It was so beautiful. I know Brynn was watching, and I know how much she loved it. It really was so great. 

Saying goodbye is the worst thing you ever have to do. I'm very happy we were able to do it with these lanterns though. They are so magical!


Brynn. I still think about you every second of everyday. I have so much that has happened in my life that I need to tell you about. So much you'd laugh at (which you probably are), and so much that you'd be proud of me for. I need your advice. I need your approval. Our house is almost done. I have rocking chairs on the front porch for you and I to sit on, and a backyard for us to play in. Come home. I miss you so much. I love you. 


  1. Oh Jelissa. This really touched me. Nothing I can say can make you feel better, but know that I am thinking of you. I hope better days will find you soon.

  2. Little sister... I think about you and Malorie everyday all of the time. I know for sure that Brynn is watching you guys and loving all that you are doing. She is proud of you. I love you little sister. I am proud of all that you are. I love you.
