Friday, August 26, 2011


Everyone I told that I was going to Calgary replied, "are you going to the Stampede?" 
We had never heard of the Calgary Stampede.

We quickly learned about it.

The last few days were spent in Calgary with Kevin, Sean, and I. We were extremely tired by then and ended up doing a lot of lounging (Kevin and I were both starting school pretty quickly after). We did finally make it to the stampede because of all the hype we'd be given for it.

It turned out great. Pretty much it's a huge HUGE fair, and Lagoon, and lot's of concerts, where everyone feels the need to turn into a cowboy for the week.

I love cool tricks. I really do. So we went to all the shows. They were free. They had cool tricks. We were able to sit down. All around they were our favorite part. We saw cool motocross flips, a trampoline show, divers, a huge band, and fire dancers.

I think the highlight for everyone was actually the FootsieWootsie. They loved it, thought it was the best feeling thing ever. I thought it was really really funny, and felt super weird. We did all agree that we felt super pumped up after. We had been so tired and afterwords we all felt quite rejuvenated.

Calgary Stampede was a success!


  1. Too much fun! Now get down to Arizona so you can have fun with this little tucker!

  2. yes! you never even told me about the stampede so this post is the best. and the footsie wootsie hahaha great photos and i want to go now!!
