Sunday, March 17, 2013


I am going to start traveling a lot here in the next few months so I figured I need to catch up on my life. 

I was able to go back to Kenya last fall, which was such an amazing experience. My parents company Christopherson Business Travel started a corporate partnership program with CHOICE humanitarian. As part of the program it will send a handful of employees that have been donating regularly to CHOICE on an expedition. Lucky for me I got to be the expedition leader this year, and took a group of people to Kenya.

This is one of my favorite pictures I took. This boy has the most beautiful eyes around.

I love Kenya. It is such a beautiful country full of color and life. I love the colors and the people. The women were extremely quite and reserved last time I was there, but this time they were so friendly and let me tag along and showed me how to do everything.

One of the days our group stayed at camp and I went with the women to dig up sand in the river bed. After digging for a little bit I got tired and handed off the shovel to another lady. One of the ladies looked at me and then handed me her baby. Her facial expression said, "if your not going to dig then you going to hold the baby." She then left me holding her kid for the rest of the time we were at the river.

It was great having Kathryn and Willi there with me too!

We brought toys and games for the kids, and they loved seeing this globe and where we lived in comparison to them. It was one of their favorite things we brought.

This little girl was the cutest! She was so sweet and would just come everywhere with you and hold your hand.

Kenya also has the best sunsets around!

The entire time we were working in the village these men kept telling us that they were going to be acting in a drama for us. We were super confused and kept thinking they were kidding. One of the men told us that he wanted to be an actor and so when we see him in the drama we need to go home and tell people about him so that he can get in the movies.

Well he wasn't kidding. The last day before we left, they created and performed a drama for us. It was the funniest/coolest thing ever. They acted out a skit about two men fighting for a women's hand in marriage. It was the most ridiculous but awesome thing ever. It was super intense, and they were super serious.

One of the women in our group brought a Polaroid camera for the kids which was the best things. The people loved being able to get a photo and actually see it right after. It was the best idea!

They have the most beautiful children ever there. They are seriously the cutest and are so friendly and funny.

I loved Kenya this time as well, and I can't wait to go back again. Kenya is always an amazing experience, and we were lucky to have a great group. My parents employees that came were hilarious and kept us quite entertained the whole time.

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