Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Galapagos Islands

Galapagos Islands are a once in a life time destination. I am so glad that I went and saw them, and I have no desire to go back anytime soon. If you are close and you have the chance to go. Definitely take it, but know that it isn't going to be your most enjoyable or relaxing trip you've ever taken.

Here are a few reasons that it is a once in a life time destination:

1. It's far away from anything
2. It's pretty expensive to get too
3. It's still expensive once you get there
4. There are very few nice or decent places to stay
5. There are very few nice beaches and towns
6. Each island is a few hours away from each other
7. They don't have nice ferry's; you go from island to island by bumpy speed boats
8. Some islands look similar to what I expect Mars to look like
9. They are not very flexible and struggle customizing tours
10. Due to a current coming all the way from the Antarctic, the water is actually fairly cold

Here is why it is still a must see destination:

1. You can and will see more unique species and wildlife than you will anywhere else in the world!

That really is the only reason to go to the Galapagos Islands. It is definitely worth it, but everything else leaves a lot to be desired. You wake up early. Take a bad boat ride, and then get to see more amazing wildlife. Then you take another bad boat ride back. It is a trip that left a lot of mixed feelings.

There is always the option to see the islands by cruise. I believe this would be the slightly more enjoyable way to do it, but you also won't have the flexibility to see as much in a short period of time. A lot of the people that we talked to that went the cruise route, didn't see near as much wild life as we did. 

Here are some of the highlights and amazing wild life we were able to see.

You'll see so many sea lions. They are like dogs. They are everywhere; on the park benches, streets, boats. They are sloths above water always sleeping and lounging about, and then under water they are playful and energetic. Scuba diving was the best with them, they would follow along side you and swim in circles around you.

There are the pretties, biggest turtles everywhere you go! Both above and below the water.

There are also pelicans all over. If you are there long enough you will see the graceful birds making steep dives down into the water to catch fish. The bird then fills its pouch with gallons of water and you can watch it slowly drain through its bill.

 One of the obvious must sees, are the penguins. You can't pass on seeing the tiny little things in such an unusual atmosphere.

One of my favorites was the Blue Footed Boobies. We got to get up close to them and watch them do their mating dance.

There are wild flamingo's!

My favorite island that we went to was Isabela. It's atmosphere was the most like what you would expect on an island, with little shops and restaurants all along the beach.

It also is where to see the lava tunnels. We loved the lava tunnels, they had one of the most unique landscapes I've seen. It had cactus and landscape you'd expect to see in Arizona above the water, mixed in with penguins and blue footed boobies. Then below the water their were sharks, turtles, and fish.

A few of the islands have hundreds and hundreds of these guys. There are tiny ones, as well as ones that are a few feet long!

One of the islands even has tons of sharks you can see at certain times of the day without even being in the water!

As you can see by the photo's, Galapagos Islands is still a must see destination despite some of its flaws.

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