Thursday, January 29, 2015

Jougla Point, Antarctica

We visited two tiny islands this day, both of which were amazing for their own reason.

The first island was Jougla Point. The island itself wasn't anything amazing; it was small and made from big rocks. There were two reasons the island was worth seeing: First, it was surrounded almost 360 degrees with large Antarctic mountains; second was because the island had huge whale bones on it, left perfectly where it had died.

Isn't this magical? The dark Blues that the ice creates constantly amazes me.

Seriously, how awesome are these! The vertebrae are left almost exactly how the whale died. It's hard to see the scale in these pictures, but they were huge!

I love how serene this photo was. We were sitting on the beach waiting to be picked up, and it got really calm and quite. Everything about it seemed so beautiful to me. 

I don't know what got the penguins so excited, but they all started running towards the edge at once. You aren't supposed to disturb them from whatever they are doing (obviously), but I really wanted to chase after them and be apart of the crew. I don't think I would fit in though.

You're probably pretty bored with Antarctica by now, and I haven't even got to my favorites. I'll try to not go on forever!

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