Friday, March 13, 2015

Paradise Bay, Antarctica

This was one of my favorite days in Antarctica! I loved it because it was the most like I pictured it. It was massive, white, and a little eerie! The snow created a silence that really added to the feeling of being in the middle of a massive wilderness, and I loved it! Seriously, it was a dream come true. 

Also, this was my first official landing on the continent of Antarctica. As you can see I was pretty thrilled (and jumping in snow is hard). 

We hiked up to a perfect lookout over the water that had amazing views in every direction. 

I can remember certain moments in my life where I was completely happy and content, and everything was exactly how I wanted it to be. This was one of those moments.

After we played on the continent for awhile we took a zodiac ride through the prettiest bay I had seen yet. It was surrounded by about 300 degrees of glacial wall, with pretty glaciers and seals floating in the middle.

Seriously, isn't this magical? It is hard to see scale, but there is a small zodiac in the right corner of this picture that helps a little bit. If you can't tell, the walls were huge!

Look at all of these nooks & crannies.

More seals on top of more pretty glaciers.

I can't get enough of these.

This was my favorite glacier I saw the entire trip. I thought the colors were amazing, and the reflection was fantastic.

Really, how couldn't this be the best day!? It really was magical and everything I could have hoped for from Anatarctica. I know that penguins and whales are pretty amazing, but the snow and glaciers where what it was all about for me.

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