Tuesday, August 4, 2015


I ran my first marathon last year! Running is not natural for me, and I wanted to prove to myself that I could do it. Even though I have always ran, I never have long distance, so it made me really push myself.

 Luckily I had some of the best people to train with! Willi and Katie ran with me in Utah, and Brenna ran with me in Vegas. I really did enjoy most runs. The main thing I hated was how much time it took. Every Saturday was spent doing a long run, so I wasn't able to spend as much time doing anything else. I really wanted to spend more time biking and hiking, and was relieved when it was over and I could get my other hobbies back.

It was so funny how each run was so different. My 22 mile run was one of my very favorite runs. I felt good the entire time, and could have easily kept running. Other runs weren't as nice to me. I remember my 20 mile run I did in Vegas by myself. I started a little too late, and it was so so hot by the end. I decided to run over a small mountain pass, and the rest was supposed to be downhill. It felt all uphill (it wasn't), and I've never had my feet feel so hot! I was pretty sure they were melting. I drank 6 big waterbottles on the run. I had to keep stopping places to refill it. I think I crawled up my stairs at the end, but I made it (with the slowest pace ever).

After weeks like that I really wanted to never run again, but then I'd do my next run and it'd turn out really great. I'm so glad I kept it up!


Brenna ran the marathon with me, and it was so nice to have someone! You have to wake up super early, and sit in the cold forever, so I'm glad I had someone to do it with.

I also ran two half marathons last year. I've decided they are much better for me. I really enjoyed both half marathons. They push me, but don't kill me, and they don't have to take over my life training for them. I don't know if I will ever do another marathon, but I definitely plan on running many more half's!  

Oh and I ran my second half with Katie, about a month after the marathon. She kicked my trash, and pushed me so hard! It's always great to have someone help push me. I had my fastest 1K, 1M, 5K, and 10K during that half thanks to her, she was running most miles in right over 7 minutes, which is way out of my league.

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