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Tuesday, November 16, 2010


This is the last road trip post I promise.

Next we headed to Yosemite National Park.

Sean was great, I fell asleep while we were driving, when I woke up he had drove till 3 in the morning and we were way further than I'd expected. My mom was also great and felt bad that we'd been camping for so long and offered to buy a hotel a night. So, we pulled up to a nice $50 a night room and slept in a nice warm bed. It felt amazing.

We woke up, ate breakfast, got a really late start, then drove to Yosemite. We did stop at a local market on the side of the road selling fruit and veggies. I was really excited about that.

Never go to Yosemite in the fall. I was a little disappointed because I was used to being in Washington and Montana where everything was extremely green. Yosemite wasn't, and the huge falls were not so huge. It was still a great place to see, but I will definitely go in the spring next time, and save Glacier National Park for the fall.

If I didn't wait so long to post everything, then these posts would be much more enjoyable to read. To bad, because I know the boys did so many funny little things. Instead... you get mostly photo's.

We went on a really long detour to take this photo, and I ended up not even being about to get out of the car. It was another bad idea by Jelissa, made worse by the driver.

Since the three of us loved huge trees so much, while we were in Yosemite we drove to a few different places with Giant Sequoia's. I loved all the nature walks we took through the giant trees.

We had so many weird meals this trip.

We got a permit to camp around this lake, yet we got there so early in the day that we decided instead to hike up to it and mess around it for awhile, then just start our drive home.

We thought it would be a nice thing to walk around the lake.

I decided to take a higher route than them so I could get some photo's along the way. Well, I got to the top of like a 4ft. high boulder but the landing was really steep and slick. I couldn't decide if it was safer to go for it and climb down or go back the way I came which was also a little sketchy. The result was me standing there for ten minutes with quite the dilema and not really accomplishing anything.

Kevin and Sean thought that it was a much better idea to sit and laugh hysterically the entire time instead of walking the 20ft. up to help me. I think it was their favorite thing that I did the entire trip.

The drive from Yosemite to Salt Lake is AWEFUL! It is through the middle of nowhere, not even on a freeway.

We had a real adventure to finish off our trip. We filled up our tank awhile after we left Yosemite. Then we started driving, about 45 min. after we filled our tank we came to another city but just drove through. Awhile later we noticed a sign that said 85 miles till next gas. WHAT!? We hadn't passed any other gas stations since the one right after we filled up. We actually hadn't passed anything.

It's a weird feeling knowing your going to run out of gas, and still having a lot of time left until it would happen. So we kept driving seeing how far we could actually get on my gas tank. Apparently not that far. We ran out of gas about 25 miles outside of Eli, Nevada at about 1:00 in the morning. Perfect. 

Randomly there was a car coming right as we ran out of gas. Kevin and I hopped out of the car waved him down and hopped in to catch a ride to Eli. He dropped us off at a gas station we filled up some water jugs with gas, then we waited. No one was leaving Eli that late at night to head into the middle of nowhere. It was FREEZING. We were wearing shorts and shirts, and Kevin grabbed a blanket. About ten cars passed in the first half an hour and no one would stop. I thought I looked friendly and nice and would smile until they drove passed and I would start yelling at them. Kevin just was laughing the whole time and said I looked like a bum and was covered in dirt from not showering. 

Finally I saw a sheriff and I knew he couldn't refuse. I walked up and asked if he would give us a ride to our car about 25 miles up the road. After background checks and everything he let us hop in and drove us back to my car and Sean.

We were on our way.

I guess our way  was just to Wendover. I woke up in Wendover with the two boys super excited about going to gamble in the middle of the night. I was too tired to realize what was happening. They obviously were tired to because within 15 min. they had both lost all their money they brought in.

Then we just kept driving. We arrived to my home in Salt Lake at about 5:00 in the morning. Sean was still wide awake on all his energy drinks and started watching movies at my house. Kevin and I went to sleep and when I woke up late the next morning Sean was sitting in my theater still watching movies. Completely Normal.

It was a Saturday and we were home a day early so we ended up watching weird awkward movies all day and then they finally made it home that night. 

We saw some amazing places and had a lot of fun. That's all.

1 comment:

  1. Quite the roadtrip! Sounds like so much fun!! I want to see those giant trees someday... it'd be kinda fun to feel like a midget, temporarily ;)
