Sunday, December 16, 2012

Denmark, and Germany

We made a small stop in Denmark. Copenhagen just didn't seem like our thing so we quickly moved on to bigger and better. Meaning, Germany. Mostly we were sick of constantly moving and we had a nice hotel with a cheap price waiting for us in Germany.

This was one of the only cities we stayed for two nights in a row. We were super lucky and got to stay in a really nice hotel for really cheap! It was so great, and super relaxing!

My mom loves taking crooked pictures.

I have the best parents ever. Look how cute they are!

I don't know if I've mentioned this before, but while we were in Europe we ate at like 6 Hard Rock Cafe's and got a lot of McDonald's ice cream cones. Terrible. 

Germany was also a nice break because we finally got off of trains and had a vehicle to speed around in. We hit a lot of sights in a short period of time. Not my preferred method, but well worth it.

We spent a lot of our time in Germany going to all the Holocaust sights. I love history and really love learning more about the Holocaust. I've always enjoyed learning about how people think and why they do the things they do, and the Holocaust is a fascinating view into their minds. 

Germany is a must see and a great place to spend a lot of time. I've been there once before but I'm glad that I could see a little more.

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