Saturday, June 29, 2013

Tour Palau

Palau has so many adventures!

Here were some of the highlights of the Islands.

Palau is made up of about 200 islands, most of which are these little rock islands, which have been eaten away by the water giving them a circular shape. 

There is a cute little arch on one of the rock islands that our boat driver took us cruising through the center off.

We took a rock island tour one of the days where we were able to see most of the highlights. We cruised around the islands looking at all the different shapes and sizes, and admiring all of the green landscape. Even if you scuba dive it is worth taking the rock island tour. It is good to do it on your last day when you aren't able to dive anyways.

We went to a few islands that they call the milky way because the sand is extremely white and creamy. You can smear it all over your body.

We enjoyed clam city which had tons of large clams. Some of which were dead so we could climb inside. This is one of the weirdest photos of myself I've seen in a long time. Every time I look at it I laugh.

We also spent a day driving around the island. The islands are crazy. The main island is Koror; It is the most populated. It is connected to an island that is much larger, but with very little people. It is a huge island that has practically no people on it, but still has a very very nice road circling it. 

We went to a few waterfalls on the island, and a few other "highlights". Most of which were really bad. They really push you on how cool stops are. They aren't. The only stop we found worth it was the large waterfall. The waterfall wasn't anything to amazing, but the train that can take you there was!

Steve was not impressed at all with the train and chose to walk because he thought it was a waste of money. Traci and I thought it was the most random and awesome thing ever. I don't get why they had it, but I'm so happy they did. It was the slowest weirdest thing I've seen in a long time. But definitely a highlight of Palau in my eyes.

While touring the island we did find ourselves lost a few time. One time we almost circled the island thinking we were only about half way, and the other time we took a dirt road to nowhere that in retrospect was probably a bad decision.

We did come across this gem on the island. The big island has absolutely no food stops other than this. It is an old hotel that was hit by a hurricane awhile back and now reminded me of a place they came across on the TV show LOST. It was three private villa's with a restaurant and the longest emptiest beach ever, covered in debris from old trees falling. The place was completely deserted except for two Philippino ladies who cooked us food. It was straight from a horror movie and super creepy.

We did make it off the island and back to Koror, but it was a long and weird day traveling the island.

1 comment:

  1. the picture of you with the sand on your head!!! it reminds me of this music video hahaha
