Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Jellyfish Lake, Palau

Jellyfish lake is one of the coolest things I've ever done. The rock islands in Palau are made up of hundreds of little islands. Many of the islands have craters in the middle that have formed lakes. A few of the lakes have jellyfish that have been stuck in the middle of them. 

Jellyfish Lake is open to the public and is one of the coolest things that I have ever done.

It is unique in many ways. One is that you are able to swim with millions of Jellyfish. They sting but it isn't powerful enough for humans to notice. They have been trapped in the lake for thousands of years so their ability to sting has evolved. Also, the lake has two distinct layers in the water, it is one of only about 200 lakes in the world where the layers don't mix. The top layer is harmless but the bottom layer of water has little oxygen in it and has hydrogen sulfide in it, which can kill you. They only let snorkelers and not scuba divers in the lake for that reason. Scuba divers and their bubbles can also harm the jellyfish.

When you first get in Jellyfish Lake there are very to no Jellyfish. The most your swim towards the middle the more Jellyfish you come across. Traci and I kept stopping thinking we were at the thickest part. But it somehow got thicker and thicker as we went in. 

Most people we met in Palau were their to go diving. Everyone goes to Jellyfish Lake but no one their seemed to think it was that amazing. Most people were only impressed with the diving and thought Jellyfish Lake was alright. I thought it was amazing!

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